Thursday, March 26, 2009

09.03.26 One sunny summer many eons ago......

I used to fit a size ten dress. The one I'm wearing in this photo was a gift from my flatmates in Australia for my 18th birthday in Albury NSW. I went out shopping and took a friend with me and we couldn't agree which dress to buy. So she secretly bought this while I bought another! At the party I wore my pick (apricot ensemble) but this dress had a lot of outings until I grew out of it many years later....

I'm packing up my possessions right now, getting ready to go away in the Van. It needs a name which will come to me as I drive down the road heading North to Nelson and a place called Golden Bay.

Autumn approaches and this year I will avoid the huge windfall  that occurs in my backyard covering my lawn and garden, two feet thick with leaves. There are three large trees here which I just love (except in Autumn). The new green waste bins have arrived,so the tenants at No 24 will have somewhere to deposit them all.  

Back to work and boxes of books and clothes.. Far too many clothes.....So what happened to the 4 inch high sequined shoes? Still got them. All the way from Paris. My neighbour Tracey declared them Tranny shoes!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Coming to a space near you soon.....

On Wednesday the 4th of February I chose my home away from home. It's a 1984 Daihatsu V.54B deisel engine that has done 149,574 kms
It's got a double bed ( or two singles and a table ) a sink, a fridge, and a two burner gas stove.
It has plenty of space inside as it has a pop-top that , according to the records was worth as much as I paid for the whole van.

On Waitangi Weekend ( February 6th, 2009)
Alan and I took the van on its maiden journey down to the Waihi Bush Music Festival in Woodbury near Geraldine ( 170 kms south of Christchurch) .
Alan and I were guest artists featuring on each of the 3 days in concert and we each held workshops on guitar playing and songwriting respectively.

On stage with Sue Galvin and Tony Keisenovsky performing 'One Voice'

Jambo mbwana !
On Safari !
Back doors open and the top pops up.
Note the windows in the pop-top.